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GunCer Keramik-Waffenöl
For precision shooters, hunters and law enforcement, long or short firearms. Ceramic additives ensure functional performance and shooting accuracy. PTFE (Teflon®) will cause long-term damage to your weapon when the oil is introduced into the barrel. At high temperatures, it produces hydrofluoric acid and is dangerous for your weapon and for you as a shooter.
- reduces the wear of the weapon
- smoothes roughness depths (under load, roughness peaks of friction points are plastically deformed by flow smoothing with minimal loss of substance, friction is reduced)
- reduces performance losses when reloading self-loading pistols and rifles (even with weak ammunition), thus causing less interference
- excellent corrosion protection, prevents fretting corrosion
- Temperature application range from -40 °C to +210 °C
- Ceramic additive even guarantees lubrication up to +1000 °C
- water resistant & does not resinify