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LIGHTWEIGHT GRAPHITE FRAME AND SIDEPLATES with aluminum frame rings. The ultralight and versatile PENN Rival Level Wind also features a forged and machined aluminum spool with Line Capacity Rings.
AUTO-ENGAGING GEARS with marine-grade bronze alloy main and machine-cut brass pinion gears. Recovers at the rate of 29” | 74cm with every turn of the crank. Gear ratio of 5.1:1.
MULTI-STOP BEARING SYSTEM: Time-tested shielded 2-ball bearing system offers control in the heat of battle.
HT-100 STAR DRAG DRAG SYSTEM: Built with carbon fiber washers for a max drag of 15lb | 6.8kg, this system will exhaust the fish without wearing you down. Right handle position.
LINE CAPACITY: Mono Capacity yd/lb: 475/15 315/20 290/25. Braid Capacity 865/20 650/30 455/50. Line capacity rings eliminate the guesswork of remaining line when fighting a fish.